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west edmonton mall, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Hair Removal

Advanced skin rejuvenation and Laser training centre Go to full description...

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Laser hair removal can be performed on virtually on any hair bearing part of your body including your arms, underarms, legs, bikini area, back, face, upper lip, neck, chest, abdomen and bikini line. You are familiar with the common treatments such as plucking, shaving, waxing and chemical epilation. These of course, are temporary fixes. That hair grows back quickly and some even swear that the hair grows in heavier and thicker!

The success of LightSheer has been studied in numerous clinical trails. In a key Harvard study, all 92 patients treated had complete or near complete temporary hair loss. Almost 90% of patients experienced significant, long-lasting hair removal, or permanent hair reduction, with no serious side effects. Highly controlled flashes of light are selectively absorbed by hair-filled follicles lying below the surface of the skin. The absorbed light heats the hair, which damages or destroys the re-growth potential of the follicle. LightSheerâ„¢ technology has been proven to create a permanent reduction in the number of re-growing hairs following each treatment in most skin types. The number of treatments required depends on several factors related to your specific kind of hair and skin. A customized treatment program will be designed for you along with an estimate of how many treatments you may need in order to meet your expectations.

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